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‘Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.’ -Galatians 6:2


March 20, 2020

Dear Friends of UMAR,

In these uncertain times, when the pandemic compels us to seek safety first for our families and loved ones, our faith calls us to meet another challenge: To care for our neighbors. We invite to you to answer that call with your financial support.

We pray that you are doing everything in your power to stay safe. In that spirit, UMAR has postponed all public fundraising events until the crisis passes. That includes the two Friends of UMAR luncheons scheduled this Spring in Charlotte and High Point. Our priority is the health of residents, artists, staff, volunteers and the many guests who make these luncheons a cherished UMAR tradition. Please note: The upcoming UMAR Matters magazine was printed before the crisis and could not include the cancellations. Turn to for the latest on all things UMAR.

This is an unprecedented situation in the charitable community. At UMAR, we are stepping up efforts to keep participants and staff safe. That includes more cleaning and household supplies, personal protective equipment, thermometers, and fresh foods for all sites. These efforts, and the added strain to staff, has resulted in a significant increase in expenses. At the same time, UMAR is already experiencing revenue losses as a result of government-imposed health restrictions, and parents/guardians removing a loved one from a group home or day program. Factor in the loss of at least two luncheons and you can appreciate why we turn now to you, our United Methodist community.

UMAR was founded by the Methodist community, for all you have done for adults with intellectual and development disabilities, can you do more? Please make a gift to UMAR through a conference EFT or go to You can also mail a check to UMAR Services Inc., 5350 77 Center Drive, Suite 201, Charlotte, NC 28217. Whether it comes from you, your church, Sunday School class or other small group, gifts of any and size are appreciated. In these difficult days, wherever you find faith, love and hope, may you pay it forward.




Marilyn Garner

President and CEO


Centenary UMC received a letter from Marilyn Garner, President and CEO of UMAR regarding COVID-19 and the financial hit their organization is taking at this time. Please click here to read the letter. Any donation you can make to UMAR at this time would be greatly appreciated.

2300 West Friendly Ave.

Greensboro, NC 27403

Church Phone (336)299-9643



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